Saturday, November 15, 2008

give up something to get something

decide what you want,decide what you are willing to exchange for it,establish your priorities and go to work!

i quote this phase from my favourite book,

so much unhappiness,it seem to me,is due to nerves; and bad nerves are the result of having nothing to do,or doing a thing badly,unsuccessfully,or incompetently.of all the unhappy people in the world,the unhappiest are those who have not found something they want to do.true happiness comes to him who does his work well,followed by a relaxing and refreshing period of rest.true happiness comes from the right amount of work for the day.

there is no substitute for hard work.motivation is fantastic and goals are great,but nothing happens until hard work is added.the good things in life come to us as energy,result of time,sacrifice and even risk of we need to be tough to get through all these challenges.other than make our dreams come true,hard work gives us reward and benefit.there are 10 of them.
  1. hard work helps us realize our potential
  2. hard work helps us face up to life
  3. hard work make us feel good
  4. hard work builds character
  5. hard work earns the respect of others
  6. hard work earn self-respect
  7. hard work add meaning
  8. hard work gets the best result
  9. hard work becomes a habit
  10. hard work is healthy

dr ramesh(my lecturer) said in his last class,half of our ages we spent on sleep and what happened to other half.he said we should cut off our sleep;but in medical profile,we as adult need to sleep at least 6-7 hours.last night i read some pages from my fav book and accidentally i found phases telling the same thing as dr ramesh said in his class.Armand hammer,the great industrialist who died in 1990 at the age of ninety-two,was once asked how a man his age had the energy to continually circle the globe to conduct business and meet with the heads of governments.he said,"i love my work.i cant wait to start a new day.i never wake up without being full of ideas.everything is challenge."

everything we do in life start with nawaitu.then discipline and hard work.insyaAllah everything gonna be fine.sleep is better than everything.but we are wrong.everything comes once in our lifetime.what happen today will not be the same for tomorrow.we go together with time and also the opportunity.

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