Friday, August 22, 2008 i look like a CROW.....

i dedicate this beautiful story to my beloved friends(lin,ella,acik,pok nik,shuk etc)

There was once a crow who was miserable.he hated his'ugly' black colour and desired to be like the 'beautiful' white it went to swan and said, "you are so must be the happiest bird", and swan replied,"i am so miserable.i have no colour at all.look at the 'beautiful' bright green colour of the parrot.i wish i was like him".

the crow then went to parrot who screeched,"there is no one as miserable as me.look at my colour.i blend with leaves of the tree.i go completely unnoticed.look at the 'beautiful' colours of the that is 'beautiful' bird". the crow then went to peacock who sadly said,"i am the most unfortunate colourful long feathers are curse.i am always worried about being captured by hunters who come to the forest looking for me.i fear living in captivity.i cannot even fly away to protect myself because of the weight of my feathers."

on hearing this,the crow said,"well,who would you like to be then?" and the peacock replied,"you of course! i wish i was a crow like one comes hunting have nothing to fear.and look how high you can have the whole sky to can live and fly in lucky you are!" needless to say, the crow lived happily ever after, enjoying his own uniquely 'beautiful' being.

Dear friends,
'inner beauty' does not ask for validation from outside world.a 'beautiful person' feels worthy in himself/herself and livesin richness of her/him inner world.however person of 'outer beauty' is constantly looking outside for acceptance, and that is the story of human misery.

so my friends,the beautiful person is like a full bloomed flower releasing its unique fragrance.the flower does not want to become someone else,instead it merely blossoms to its own fullest, releasing a beautiful inner fragrance which is unique to our life to the fullest and make them wonderful everyday.we find our day,we find our time,we find our friends and the most important is we must find ourselves.

p/s: to lin, you can't tell your beauty till your friend realise it.
to ella, today is you and tomorrow is you.
to acik, you must rock the world with your inner beauty not your outer beauty.


i M a N said...

babe, i dun get it.

Anonymous said...

achix ni,xdpt apa?

p/s toothless xpe jgn heartless.go achix!(lin pon takut gak,dia nk cabut depan babe)

i M a N said...


ape kes toothless nih..

btw i still hv 28 INTACT tooth yer...
